Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarks on a five-day three-nation tour of the African continent on Monday. He will pay a two-day state visit to the Republic of Rwanda from Monday. This is the first-ever Prime Minister-level visit to the Republic of Rwanda, he is taking an interesting gift from India for his hosts, 200 cows.
In an unprecedented move PM Modi choose to gift 200 cows to the Republic of Rwanda as part of Girinka scheme, “The poorest families are gifted dairy cows by the Government (of Rwanda) and the first female calf born of the cow is gifted to the neighbor, thus promoting brotherhood and solidarity in the community,” A Ministry of External Affairs Secretary (Economic Relations) TS Tirumurti has said this on Friday.
During PM Modi’s visit, two deals are expected to be signed. One which is of $100 million for industrial parks and almost a similar amount for agriculture and irrigation. Agreements will also be in areas like defense, dairy cooperation, leather, agriculture, and culture.
The Prime Minister is also scheduled to visit the Genocide Memorial and participate in an event on Girinka. It (Girinka) is the Rwandan government’s “one cow for one poor family” programme, launched in 2006. Prime Minister is also scheduled to visit Republic of Uganda and Republic of South Africa from July 25 to 27. The visit to South Africa is in the context of BRICS Summit.