New Delhi: Google Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL were launched at a starting price of Rs 61,000 and Rs 73,000, respectively. However, the second-generation Android flagship devices are now available at lower-effective prices in India. While the Pixel 2 now starts at Rs 42,000, the Pixel 2 XL starting price has been revised to Rs 57,000.
The Pixel 2 with 64GB is now available at Rs 42,000 while the 128GB variant retails for Rs 51,000. The Pixel 2 XL, on the other hand, is priced at Rs 57,000 for the 64GB variant and Rs 66,000 for the 128GB variant.
According to article published in NDTV, The Pixel 2 64GB and 128GB variants have received a limited period discounts of Rs. 11,001, while the Pixel 2 XL 64GB and 128GB variants are available with a discount of Rs. 5,001. In addition to the discounts, customers buying the new Pixel models on EMI transactions via HDFC Bank credit cards will receive a cashback worth Rs. 8,000 that will be credited within 90 days of the purchase. The cashback offer is available until December 31 and is applicable only on one transaction per HDFC Bank credit card. It is not valid purchases using corporate and commercial cards.
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Including the cashback, the Pixel 2 64GB is available at Rs. 41,999 (MRP Rs. 61,000), Pixel 2 128GB at Rs. 50,999 (MRP Rs. 70,000), Pixel 2 XL 64GB at Rs. 56,999 (MRP Rs. 73,000), and the Pixel 2 XL 128GB at Rs. 65,999 (MRP Rs. 82,000). A Google spokesperson has confirmed Gadgets 360 that the effective prices are applicable on purchases through offline stores as well as Flipkart.
Earlier this month, Google announced a temporary ‘best buy’ offer on the Pixel 2 XL in India and brought its price down to as low as Rs. 64,999 for the 64GB variant and Rs. 73,999 for the 128GB variant. That price is valid for cash and card transactions through authorised offline retailers in the country until December 31.