Phew! Rains increase levels in reservoirs

Hyderabad, August 28: At last, the HMWS&SB has a reason to smile. Rainfall that has been lashing the Twin Cities and the catchment areas in the last three to four days has increased water levels in Osmansagar, Himayathsagar, Singur, Manjira and Akkampally(Krishna water).

These reservoirs are the major sources of drinking water to Greater Hyderabad and en route villages. During the last three to four days, the storage capacity of water has increased by about 3 TMC feet of water which is satisfactory.

One TMC foot is equal to daily water supply up to 20 to 25 days. The inflows of 3 TMC feet means there would be additional water supply of two months in the Greater Hyderabad limits.

Presently, the Water Board is drawing 325 to 328 MGD (Million gallon per Day) of water from these five reservoirs. Akkampally-Krishna (180 MGD), Singur (75 MGD), Manjira (45 MGD), Osmansagar (20 MGD) and Himayathsagar (8 MGD).

If the rain continue, Water Board authorities expect substantial inflows that would help them tide over the shortage of water for some more months.

As against the combined storage capacity of 39.816 TMC feet, the present combined storage of water in these five reservoirs is about 15.5 TMC feet. Three days ago, the combined storage capacity was less than 10.5 TMC feet.

The heartening news for citizens Greater Hyderabad is that inflows into Singur reservoir are also increasing.

As against 8 TMC feet, the levels have now increased to 10 TMC. In Osmansagar and Himayathsagar

reservoirs too, the levels are increasing. In Osmansagar, the present level is about 0.930 TMC feet as against as 0.430 TMC feet four days ago. Similarly, in Himayathsagar the present level is 0.725 TMC feet as against 0.376 TMC feet four days ago.

Owing to generous inflows in catchment areas, Water Board officials told Expresso that there would be no problem of water supplies till next summer. However, in Akkampally (Krishna river), the inflows have not been as substantial as in case of the others.
