New Delhi: The Janata Dal United JD (U) on Thursday backed the TERI’s students’ decision to refuse to take their degrees from university’s boss R.K. Pachauri, who is facing sexual harassment charges, and said that people like him should not be within any institute.
“The decision taken by the students of TERI is right. It is absolutely wrong to even keep such person, accused with charges of sexual assault, in the institute. People like him should not be within an institution,” JD (U) leader Ali Anwar told ANI.
Earlier 20 students of 2013-2015 batch of The Energy and Resources Institute, who recently completed courses, said they would not accept their degrees from Pachauri during a convocation on March 7.
Echoing similar sentiments, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Shazia Ilmi said that it was extremely unfortunate that Pachauri was promoted by the governing council of the institute, and added that the move raises question on its credibility.
“The fact of the matter is how can any kind of action be taken or proceedings be completely unbiased against a person who exercises such influence over that particular institute and continues to be there? How can people speak out, collect evidence? It is very unfortunate that he is still there,” Ilmi told ANI.
“I really feel action needs to be taken and proceedings have to be fast-tracked. The question is also on TERI’s credibility as an institute. How can the governing council allow this person to be there and to promote him? I really think it’s a matter to be really ashamed off,” she added.
In further embarrassment to environmentalist Pachauri, who is already entangled in a legal battle over sexual harassment allegations, a former employee of TERI had yesterday accused him of harassing her sexually.
The woman’s lawyer Vrinda Grover said that they had first reported the matter to police in February last year but they did not do anything till date forcing her to come out in public with the charges.
Pachauri is already facing a sexual harassment case in Delhi high court filed by another former Teri employee. (ANI)