Targeting Andhra Pradesh State government’s communications advisor Parakala Prabhakar, Jana Sena chief actor Pawan Kalyan today questioned the former as to why he failed to bring special status to Andhra Pradesh State though his wife Nirmala Seetharaman was a Union Minister. “I will reveal how many people were working in their firms in detail if any one speaks about caste”, he said.
Addressing a gathering here on Thursday, Pawan Kalyan alleged that the political leaders have no patience to study the status of the Polavaram project. “Some people were dubbing me as ‘Twitter Hero’. I floated Jana Sena party with the strength of idealism. I supported TDP, BJP with perfect thought”, he clarified.
He also said nobody will give him hundreds of crores of rupees and made it clear that he would not accept if any one tries to give him money. “I would like to prove that politics could be done without money too”, he said and alleged that the ruling and Opposition parties in Andhra Pradesh State published books on “corrupt practices” of their opponents. He also revealed that he will conduct a workshop on Jana Sena policies on social change. (NSS)