Jana Sena Party Chief and Power Star Pawan Kalyan, after the grand success of his Tirupati and Kakinada public meetings, was poised to address another massive public meeting at Anantapur on November 10 as part of his plans to hold public meetings in every district on the Special Category Status (SCS) to Andhra Pradesh, Party’s treasurer M. Raghavaiah said on Monday.
Raghavaiah has said the Jana Sena chief was of the opinion that Anantapur district, which often faces drought, would be beneficial with the Special Category Status. It was mentioned that Anantapur would get benefited with Special Status apart from reiterating Pawan Kalyan will fight against social issues and parties which had backtracked on poll promises. Already, Pawan Kalyan has conducted a public meeting each at Tirupati and Kakinada regarding the Special Status
The next meeting will be held on November 10 at Anantapur. Utmost Care is taken to choose the venue which will not cause any mishap like the last one. Pawan Kalyan’s meeting comes at a time when Special Status issue was taking a natural death. (NSS)