Pakistani father marries off 8yr-old daughter

Islamabad, June 29: On the case of eight-year-old Zahida in Karachi, Pakistan, whose father Abdul Rasool exchanged her in marriage for another woman. Rasool wanted to marry Haseena and thus gave his daughter to her brother Dilshad.

When reporter asked the cleric who married them, he said that he did whatever he was told and the girl’s father was present and said she was 15 years old. Zahida’s mother Parveen told SAMAA that the marriage was contracted on June 25, following which she went to the local union council nazim and registered a case with the police.

It it not permitted in Islam to marry off a girl without her consent or if she has not attained the age of maturity, or puberty. It is also illegal according to Pakistani laws, but marrying in exchange, locally referred to as ‘Wata Sata’ continues among many families.