Hyderabad, January 31: As part of the proposed Rachabanda programme at Hafeezbaba Nagar and the public meeting at Barkas Grounds on February 2, managing director of Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Boa rd (HMWS&SB), M Jagadeeshwar along with other officials inspected the water supply position and sewerage system in the Hafeezbaba Nagar blocks A,B and C on Sunday. During the inspection, the managing director found that there were lengthy water supply connections, water leakages and broken sewer manholes in the area.
He instructed the accompanying chief general manager (Engg) O&MC-I, general manager(E) O&M Dn. II and concerned Dy. general manager (E) to list out the works to be taken up in Hafeezbaba.
He asked the local corporator Mumtaz Ali to mobilise residents to contribute 50 percent of the cost of laying new distribution lines in the sub-lanes so that the residents can take the water supply connections from nearby pipelines and avoid leakage and pollution.
The remaining 50 per cent would be borne by the Water Board In Barkas, corporator Mansoor Awalgi and local residents of the area requested the managing director to deploy additional water tankers to mitigate the hardship of drinking water.