Mumbai: Actor Priyanka Chopra says she was approached for the Rakesh Sharma biopic.
The 35-year-old actor also confirmed that Aamir Khan is no longer a part of the project, which is based on the life of the first Indian to land on the moon.
There were reports that Aamir has quit the Mahesh Mathai directorial and Shah Rukh Khan has replaced him.
While the film’s makers are mum about it, Priyanka, who has long been rumoured to be playing Sharma’s wife in the biopic, said Aamir is not attached to film any more.
“I have finalised two-three scripts. Now, I am left to make announcements. Rakesh Sharma biopic was one of those scripts. I was approached for that film when Aamir was doing it… He is not in the film now. We were supposed to do it in 2019. Now, I don’t know,” the actor said at the red carpet of Zee Cine Awards here last night.
Asked if Shah Rukh is stepping in for Aamir, the “Quantico” star replied, “I don’t know. I haven’t got any confirmations. I haven’t spoken to Sid (producer Siddharth Roy Kapur) or Mahesh sir. As soon as I know, I will see.”
The project would have marked the first collaboration between Priyanka and Aamir.
The actor has worked with Shah Rukh in “Don” and “Don 2”.