New Delhi : The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government on Wednesday said that it would be addressing the observation made by the Delhi High Court with regard to the Odd-Even formula on January 8.
“The Delhi Government would be following the observation of the Delhi High Court and it would keep its point in front of the court also. We would be addressing the observation made by court on January 8,” Delhi Transport Minister Gopal Rai told ANI.
“We have significantly increased the frequency of the Delhi metro and we have also worked to increase the efficiency of the buses plying on the roads of the national capital,” he added while pointing out that the city has become congestion free and there is a drop in pollution.
Rai further said it seems entire Delhi is united in this campaign.
“The vehicular pollution is most dangerous. It has been reducing and that is definitely helpful for the people of Delhi as people are also doing carpooling,” he added.
Rai also said that the state government would be proving to the High Court the data of the changes in the level of pollution in the national capital since the scheme came into effect.
The Delhi High Court has asked Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government to explain as to why the Odd-Even trial should last for more than a week.
The High Court has asked the city government to file a detailed account of the impact on pollution level of the new traffic rules, which were introduced on January 1.
The AAP Government had declared that the first two working days since the inception of the Odd-Even scheme was a success. (ANI)