In Hyderabad, NTR’s family members paid floral tributes at NTR Ghat at Hussain Sagar lake. NTR’s daughter N Bhuvaneswari, who is wife of Chandrababu Naidu, her daughter-in-law N. Brahmani and grandson Devansh visited the Samadhi. NTR’s another daughter and former Union minister Daggubati Purandeswari, son Nandamuri Harikrishna and others also paid tributes to him.
The TDP founder’s grandson and popular actor Junior NTR also offered floral tributes at the NTR ghat. He said Telugu people could never forget NTR. NTR’s second wife Lakshmi Parvathi also visited the NTR Samadhi and offered floral tributes. (NSS)