New Delhi: Google on Monday introduced a new video messaging feature for its mobile app Google Duo that would let users capture and share video messages when their friends cannot answer their call.
“Starting today, Duo users can send a video message to their friend or family member, who will receive it in the Duo app. The video messaging functionality allows users to leave a 30-second video (or voice) message if the person they’re calling declines or misses the incoming call,” the company said in a statement.
To play a video message received from another user, users need to simply tap their icon.
After they have watched their video message, users can tap the ‘Call now’ button to easily call that person back.
The new video messages will automatically disappear within a day after a user has seen it, Google said.
However, the company has added an option wherein the user can save their favourite video messages on smartphone.
Similar to all calls made on Google Duo, video messages are also secure and end-to-end encrypted.
The new feature has begun rolling out for Android and iOS devices and will be live worldwide soon.