New Delhi: “No begging please!” This was Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu’s directive to lawmakers today, asking them not to use the term ‘beg’ while tabling the listed official papers in the House.
Normally, the ministers say “I beg to lay the papers … listed against my name in today’s order paper.”
Mr Naidu had on the opening day of the winter session advised the ministers and members to shed the “imperial mindset” of using “I beg to lay…” the papers in the House.
He had said that instead they should say “I rise to present the papers listed against my name…”
However, today when Minister of State for Law and Justice P P Chaudhary used the term “beg” while laying papers, Mr Naidu reminded him of the advise.
“No begging please,” Mr Naidu told Mr Chaudhary.
He said probably Mr Chaudhary was not present when he had made the suggestion earlier and advised him to avoid using the word “I beg” while laying the papers.
“Just rise to say you are laying papers,” he told him and added “it would be good if begging word is avoided.”