Hdyerabad, June 17: A nine-year-old boy who travelled from New Jersey to the city this week has tested positive for influenza A (H1N1), while two new cases suspected of similar symptoms have been reported on Tuesday.
The number of persons under observation or treatment at the Government General and Chest Hospital rose to ten. “Six of them are positive and the reports of others are awaited,” said K. Subhakar, State Coordinator for influenza A(H1N1).
One of those admitted today with suspected symptoms is an eight-year-old boy who travelled from New Jersey with a nine-year-old boy who had already tested positive. The other person is a 25-year-old software professional who had travelled from San Francisco on Lufthansa Airlines two days ago. His flight had been via Munich and Delhi, the officials informed.
So far, 53 persons have been taken to hospital for suspected symptoms of swine flu of whom 13 have turned positive. One person was discharged today.