Hyderabad: Police is worried when it seized AK 47 riffle from a house of Nayeem. Reliable sources indicated that Nayeem made an unsuccessful attempt in 2005 to contact Hizbul Mujahideen Chief, Salahuddin in order to smuggle AK 47 riffles which Ajmer Police foiled.
It is reported that a truck full of Marble stones was being used for smuggling AK 47 riffles but police intercepted it and stopped the truck. Its driver was arrested. Hyderabad police was informed. On 26th December 2005, Commissioner of Task Force arrested Mujeeb Ahmed alias Ahmed bhai from Towlichowki who is suppose to be the self styled commander of Hizbul Mujahadeen. In this way the plan to smuggle AK 47 was foiled. It is probable that after failing this attempt, he might have obtained riffles from other sources. Investigations are being conducted from all angles.
It may be mentioned that along with Mujeeb Ahmed, his other relatives including a woman was arrested and Nayeem was declared to be absconding. Police had furnished the details to the court about Nayeem’s contact with Salahuddin. Special Investigation Team of Hyderabad City Police had registered a case bearing number 786/2005 and filed a charge sheet in the court in which the police claimed that Nayeem had obtained modern riffles after negotiating with Hizbul Mujahadeen, Salahuddin. SIT had declared Nayeem as absconding.
In this case First Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge of Nampally had awarded life imprisonment to Mujeeb Ahmed. His other companions were given 10 years imprisonment.
–Siasat News