Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu today directed the collectors of districts affected by heavy rains like Nellore, Chittoor and Kadapa to prepare an action plan for speedy rehabilitation of the people.
Naidu held a meeting with District Collectors through video conference and discussed the situation arising out of the heavy rains that lashed these districts in the last three days, a government press release said.
He asked the Collectors to take measures to save the standing crops that are submerged in rain water and also instructed them to take steps against the spread of diseases by holding health camps.
He asked the officials to dispatch food items and other essential material to these places and called for speedy rehabilitation of people.
Heavy rains triggered by the northeast monsoon lashed several districts flooding low-lying areas and throwing normal life out of gear. The heavy rains led to inundation of low-lying areas in towns and villages in Chittoor and other districts.