Dr. Shaik Ubaid, the New York State Co-Chair of Muslim Peace Coalition USA and a founding member of the Coalition Against Genocide that was instrumental in getting Modi’s American visa revoked, has denounced the Time magazine’s glorification of Modi as bad journalism and an obscenly insensitive act as it was perpetrated during the 10th anniversary commomoration of Gujarat pogrom. He appealed to all people of conscience to act on the Muslim Peace Coalition USA action alert to put pressure on Time and Brooking Institute.
The action alert is given below:
Ask Brooking’s Institute to correct their white wash of Narendra Modi’s crimes against humanity
Time magazine had put the pogrom politician, Narendra Modi on its cover and Brooking’s institute has published a positive opinion piece on him.
This travesty of decency happening on the 10th anniversary of the Gujarat pogrom in which more than 2,000 Muslims were brutally massacred, hundreds of little girls and women were gang-raped then burnt alive or hacked to death and 150,000 people were displaced; is insensitive and obscene. The victims still await justice as accepted by the Indian Supreme Court who has blamed Modi’s government of dragging its feet. Millions of Muslims are being denied jobs, education and housing in Gujarat.
A DECADE OF SHAME http://www.frontlineonnet.com/stories/20120309290400400.htm
Award winning documentary: http://coalitionagainstgenocide.org/resources/video.php
Narendra Modi was blamed by international human rights organizations, Gujarat’s top police officers and the State department. In 2005, the US government refused Modi a visitor’s visa and revoked his diplomatic visa. http://coalitionagainstgenocide.org/2005.campaign.php
The positive image building of Modi through Brooking’s Institute and Time is not a coincidence. The Hindutva-supremacist movement that killed Gandhi and was responsible for many anti-Muslim and anti-Christian pogroms would like Modi to run its election campaign for the upcoming national elections. It is even thinking of putting Modi forward as its candidate for the post of Indian prime minister.
Modi’s propaganda that his state government is responsible for the highest economic growth in India has been debunked. Even if it were to be true, a man being blamed for crimes against humanity should not be allowed to white wash his crimes with the development brush. Would Time and Brooking’s glamorize Hitler who also happens to be the hero for many leaders of the Hindutva movement?
In 2005 with your help, Coalition Against Genocide was able to defeat the powerful Hindutva lobby and get Modi’s visa revoked. We can certainly put pressure on Time magazine and Brooking’s Institute.
Just two weeks ago Coalitiion Against Genocide conducted vigils in the US where inter-faith and human rights leaders vowed to help bring Modi to justice.
Action Items:
Call and write to Time Magazine and Brooking’s Institute
Call 5 friends every day and ask them to contact Time magazine and Brooking’s Institute
Get petitions signed after Jumah salat (Friday prayers) and mail them to Muslim Peace Coalition USA
431 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579 or scan them and email to info@muslimpeacecoalitionusa.com.
Muslim Peace coalition USA will work closely with ImanNet and Coalition Against Genocide to derail Modi’s campaign to become the next prime minister of India over the dead bodies of the Gujarat pogrom victims.
Talking Points:
Ask them to admit their mistake in helping Modi whitewash his crimes.
Ask them would they have glorified Hitler because of his “successful economic program” for Germany in the 1930s?
Ask them to redeem themselves by writing about the systematic denial of human and civil rights of millions of Muslims in Gujarat and the lack of justice to the hundreds of thousands of relatives of the 2002 pogrom victims.
CONTACT INFO for Time and Brooking’s Institute:
Time Magazine:
Brooking’s Institute
Phone 202.797.6000
March 17, 2012
Contact person: Shaik Saad