Describing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao as big and small brothers respectively in making statements, Pondicherry Chief Minister Narayanaswamy predicted that the Congress party will come back to power at the Centre under the leadership of AICC vice-president Rahul Gandhi. Both Telugu States’ Chief Ministers were alleging that the Centre was giving nothing to them, he reminded and said, “Modi makes big statements but does nothing to the people”.
Delivering inaugural address at the training camp for Congress party ZPTCs and MPTCs here on Monday at KJR Gardens, Narayanaswamy alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was touring nations and doing nothing to the people. He alleged that Modi was managing the people keeping the media in his hand. Stating that the Smart Cities needed Rs 10 lakh crores, he asked Modi as to where from he would bring that money. Recalling that the UPA government gave Rs 8 lakh crore to the rural, urban panchayats and others, Narayanaswamy said the Modi government allocated a mere Rs one lakh crore for the entire five year term.
Making the Planning Commission a dummy, Pondicherry Chief Minister said the Prime Minister brought in Niti Ayog which was not giving funds to the States. He said both the Telugu state were mother lands for Congress party and the Party would get its lost sheen soon if the party leaders explained about the present governments’ failures.
Party national leader Meenakshi Natarajan alleged that the NDA government was closing previous UPA government’s schemes. The present government was concentrated on centralization of the de-centralised system. “It is nothing but an attack on the democracy and the Congress activists will have to face this unitedly”, she exhorted.
AICC leaders Digvijay Singh, RC Kuntia, Koppula Raju, Meenakshi Natarajan, Suresh Sharma, State leaders K Jana Reddy, Shabbir Ali, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, S Jaipal Reddy, Palvai Goverdhan Reddy, V Hanumantha Rao, Ponnala Laxmaiah, Madhu Yashki Goud, Anjan Kumar Yadav, Balaram Naik, Mallu Ravi, Nandi Ellaiah, Sabitha Indra Reddy, DK Aruna, Sunitha Laxma Reddy, MLAs, MLCs, former MLAs and MLCs participated in the training camp while Ponnam Prabhakar presided.
Suresh Sharma gave power point presentation on Congress party’s ideology and TPCC Chief Uttam Kumar Reddy and Official Spokesperson Dr D Sravan on irrigation projects in the State. Earlier, Narayanaswamy inaugurated the training camp by lighting lamp. The Congress also paid tributes to the slain Army Jawans in an attack of terrorists in Srinagar yesterday. Congress activists also burnt an effigy of Pakistan at Secunderabad condemning the terrorist attack on Army camp. (NSS)