Hyderabad: Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav, GHMC Mayor Bonthu Rammohan along with officials visited various places in Secunderabad Division on Thursday. During their visit it is observed poor people mostly migrant workers are seen on road side waiting for food from the donors who are stuck up in the city due to lock down.
On seeing this Srinivas Yadav, and Dr.Bonthu Rammohan instructed the GHMC officials to shift them to temporary shelter homes.
There are about 50 persons at Paradise, 200 persons at Secunderabad Railway Station and 50 persons at Adikmet, Minister and Mayor enquired their whereabouts, some of them are daily wage workers and some of them stuck up due to lock down waiting to go to their native places, once lock down lifted. All of them were shifted to nearby Multipurpose function hall, Bansilalpet by buses.
Srinivas Yadav, and Rammohan said since they are waiting for food on road side and gathering in large number without following social distance, if any one of them having virus there is chance of spread of virus among them to contain the spread of virus they are shifted to shelter home where breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided to them daily till lock down lifted.
Mayor further said with the intention of no one is left hungry, Chief Minister K.Chandra Shekar rao is giving 12 kg rice and Rs.500 to the migrant workers, and also providing breakfast, lunch and dinner to about 2 lakhs people daily in shelter homes through Annapurana Canteen meals and through donors.
Mayor suggested to the migrant workers, home less and orphans not to stay on roads and stay at shelter homes where food facility provided. Mayor said In the present situation many donors are giving food and essential items even though it is a good sign, there is chance of spread of virus as the people are not following social distance and requested the donors to donate the food or other items to the people staying shelter homes through GHMC officials.
Zonal Commissioner Srinivas Reddy, officials from sanitation and health wing, police personal participated in the shifting operation.