In a gruesome incident occurred at Bhavani Nagar on Monday night, a man brutally killed his son-in-law. The incident occurred when a Valima function was going on. According to details 30-year-old Mohammed Ahmed R/O Yaqutpura who was a cook by occupation had a dispute with his in-laws. It is said that the dispute between Mohammed Ahmed and his father-in-law Mohammed Sirajuddin was with regard to gold jewellery and cash given at the time of marriage. The victim had lodged a complaint with Rain Bazar police station against his brother-in-law and had alleged that later possesses dagger and other weapons. Police had dismissed the case on non availability of evidence. This intensified dispute between the two parties and Sirajuddin and his relatives decided to teach Mohammed Ahmed a lesson.
It is said that the Valima ceremony of Mohammed Ahmed was going on at Hidayat Function Hall, Aman Nagar when Mohammed Sirajuddin, Naseeruddin, Jameeluddin and Tajuddin stabbed Mohammed Ahmed at the entrance gate of function hall leaving him seriously injured. His two brothers Mukarram and Arshad were also injured. Ahmed was rushed to the hospital where doctors declared him brought dead. Police arrested the offenders and interrogation is underway.
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