A 31-year-old physically challenged man in Andhra Pradesh was electrocuted to death after he answered a call on his mobile phone while it was charging. “The phone’s battery may have exploded due to overheating amid high voltage at Vagupalli village. The differently abled man used to live alone on a monthly government pension of ₹1,000,” police said.
This incident took place at the Kanigiri Mandal in Prakasham district. They noticed Mastan Reddy lying on the ground with his mobile phone in his left hand. He was taken to the hospital, where he was declared brought dead due to electrocution. A case was registered under Section 174 of the CrPC and investigation was underway. The body was also sent for an autopsy.
“The phone was badly burnt rendering its make impossible to find out, but added that the back case of a Samsung mobile phone was found near Mastan Reddy’s body.” Kanigiri inspector M Subbarao said. The kin of the deceased completed the formalities at the hospital and took his body home.