Chief Secretary Dr Rajiv Sharma today directed the officials concerned to make elaborate arrangements for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to launch the flagship Mission Bhagiratha program at Komatibanda in Gajwel of Medak district on August 7.
Along with officials SP Singh and others, the Chief Secretary made a visit to the site of launching the piped water scheme at Komatibanda, helipad and place of public meeting to be addressed by the Prime Minister. He asked the officials to make coordinated efforts to make fool-proof arrangements for Modi’s maiden visit to the infant State.
“The District administration should work as per directions given to them to make better arrangements for laying foundation stones, launching the programs and photo exhibition and other facilities avoiding lapses”, he said. Rajiv Sharma also asked them to take all steps to provide seating and transport facility to the large number of people expected to turn up to the mega event. Rajiv Sharma also asked the departments of Health and Medical, Fire Services, Transco, Information & Public Relations, Transport, Prohibition & Excise, Panchayat Raj and others to make the Prime Minister’s visit success. The Chief Secretary also planted a sapling as part of Haritha Haram program. (NSS)