Cairo, March 02: Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s sons Saif al-Islam told Britain’s Sky News on Tuesday that the country’s air force had not been used to attack civilians protesting against his father’s rule.
Saif al-Islam Gadhafi said the Libyan people had come under “heavy bombardment” from Arabic television channels which had “managed to convince the world that the Libyan air force bombed Tripoli, and destroyed districts in Tripoli, and killed demonstrators.”
Leaders in the United States, Europe and Australia have suggested imposing a no-fly zone to prevent the Libyan leader from bombing his own people.
But Gadhafi’s son said there was no evidence that civilians had been attacked.
“OK, the (United Nations) Security Council resolution was passed because of media reports saying that the Libyan air force is attacking Tripoli. You heard this. And because of that report, Libya gets punished. So, you are now in Tripoli, I want you now to go to any district they mentioned, and take a random sample in the street. You ask, you interview anybody, whomever you want, and ask them about this. Give me one single (piece of) evidence, Said Saif”
Saif also said Libya would welcome a fact-finding mission from any country to investigate recent events.
In the interview with Sky, held in Tripoli, Saif said Libya’s government did not accept it had lost control of the east of the country.
The British-educated son is the most visible of Gadhafi’s children and has been acting as a spokesman for the regime.
–Source: Flashnewstoday