Former IPL chief Lalit Modi has said BJP MP Varun Gandhi met him in London “a few years ago” and offered to “settle everything” with Congress president Sonia Gandhi.
“@varungandhi80 came to see me at my house a few years ago and said he can settle everything in @INCIndia with his aunt,” Modi tweeted late Tuesday.
“He wanted me to meet her sister from Italy. I heard him next I heard from our common friend who introduced us that auntie wants 60 million dollars. Told them whaaaat are u nuts go HKG a kite. Can he deny that. I hope he does,” Modi posted on Twitter.
In another tweet, he clarified: “The auntie he refers to is #soniagandhi. The sister is #soniagandhi sister – just for clarity.”
“Please clarify @varungandhi80 did u or did u not come to my house in London. Whilst staying at the Ritz hotel in London a few years ago,” said another of his tweets.