Hyderabad: Officiating Chief Justice of Hyderabad High Court, Justice Ramesh Ranganathan while addressing on the occasion of 68th Republic Day celebration told that people have high hopes from Judiciary for getting justice. He further told that even today all those persons who have no voice, have high hopes that their grievances would be resolved through court and they will get justice.
Justice Ranganthan told that he is delighted to know that many ladies are associating themselves with judiciary. For the first time in the history of High Court of Hyderabad, three lady judges have been appointed. It is a matter of pride that ladies are becoming expert lawyers. He informed that out of 25 Principal District Judges, 12 are ladies and 23% ladies are occupying the posts of District Judges. In the same manner 28% senior civil judges are ladies. The percentage of junior civil judges has risen to 47.
Mr. G. Mohan Rao, President, Telangana High Court Advocates’ Association in his address told that even after the lapse of two years of bifurcation of A.P. State, High Court has not been divided. He mentioned the issues arising out of establishment of courts in the newly formed 31 districts.
Mr. C. Nageshwar Rao, President, A.P. High Court Advocates’ Association also addressed the gathering and told that by recruiting Judges to the vacant posts, the system of imparting justice could be accelerated.
–Siasat News