Municipal Minister KT Rama Rao today participated in developmental works worth Rs 83 cr in old city including Rs 6.2 cr worth newly constructed Park in Kishan Bagh kunta area today. KTR started the road works worth Rs 8 cr from Shah Ali Banda signal to Musabowli junction and city college junction to Purana Pool araa for BT Road and recarpeting using CRMB technology to lay 3070 meters area road.
The minister also started works of 682 met long six-lane flyover worth Rs 60 cr from City College to Bahadurpura to check traffic problems. This flyover will be built under SRDP Bahadurpura flyover construction works by 2019 and will cater to traffic needs by 2034.
Deputy Chief Minister Mahamood Ali, Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi, MLAs Mojam Khan, Pasha Khadri, Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar, Mayor G Rammohan, GHMC Commissioner Janardhan Reddy and local leaders were present. (NSS)