K.T. Rama Rao, Minister for MA&UD said that the Telangana State Government has taken up construction of 2.5 lakh double bedroom houses, including one lakh in Hyderabad, at a cost of Rs 18,000 crore and added that no other State Government in the entire Country has taken up such a big 2-BHK housing scheme on such a massive scale.
In Hyderabad, already tenders for 40,000 houses were finalised and works are in progress. Tenders for the rest of 60,000 houses would be finalized in two months or by the end of August, he added.
The Minister laid the foundation for 126 double bedroom houses at Lambadi Thanda, Baghlingampally here on this morning. He said the houses were being constructed at a cost of over Rs 10 crore. Construction would be completed in 10 months. Possession certificates were already handed over to the beneficiaries. A list of beneficiaries was available with local corporator and legislator for the convenience of beneficiaries.
The Minister said that “Double bedroom houses are a matter of self respect. In the past, governments constructed houses but the poor were made to bear a portion of construction cost, besides making them run around banks for loans. But the Telangana Government is not taking a single penny from the beneficiaries and is bearing the entire cost,” he said. Each double bedroom house was being constructed at a cost of about Rs 8.65 lakh but the market value of the houses after completion will not be less than Rs 30 lakh, he explained.
Rama Rao said that the Government is trying its level best to provide and supply cement @ Rs. 230/- per bag and also maximum concession rates for steel for which the Government is planning to conduct a meeting with the Industries concerned for the supply of the same on priority.
Home Minister N Narsimha Reddy said the Lambadi Thanda in Baghlingampally would be transformed into Bombay Thanda. The TRS government is committed for the welfare of SC, STs and plans are being made to increase the reservation of STs to 10 percent from the existing six percent, he informed.
GHMC Commissioner B.Janardhan Reddy said the nine floor structure will be equipped with lift and parking facilities. There will be eight shops in the ground floor and the rent generated from these shops will be utilized towards lift and other maintenance, he added.
Musheerabad MLA K Laxman and others spoke on the occasion.(NSS)