Hyderabad: The election campaigning of Congress party from Bhongir LS candidate Komatireddy Venkat Reddy was going on at a brisk pace. He and other leaders of the party took part in the party workers meeting held Chityal, Ramannapeta, Narketpalli along with his brother and the incharge of the seat K Rajagopal Reddy and Dubbaka Narasimha Reddy.
Speaking on the occasion, Venkat Reddy said that the Nakrekal Assembly constituency gave him the political birth and added that he was coming before the people to repay its debt. He said that he would voice the problems of the people of the constituency in parliament. He said that there was a need to thank the party leader Sonia Gandhi, who gave the Telangana State by ensuring his victory.
He warned the people that the lives of the people of the area and the State would be ruined if the Congress didn’t win in the State. Targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said that the PM cheated people by not crediting the money he promised in their bank accounts. He warned the people that vote in favour of TRS party would be nothing but a vote in favor of the BJP. He promised to provide Rs.2500 minimum support price to per quintal of paddy and Rs 6000 to cotton crop.
Reddy said that corruption had hit the roof during the last five years of the TRS rule. He asked CM KCR as to why he was not giving money to Nalgonda district when he was giving Rs 1 lakh crore to Kaleswaram project. He urged the people to ensure the victory of TPCC President N Uttam Kumar Reddy, Revanth Reddy and his. He made it clear to the people that he was not bothered about posts while noting that he quit from his cabinet post like piece of grass. He urged the party workers to visit each and every household and tell them that the party leader Sonia Gandhi created the separate Telangana state. He also told them to ensure the higher majority in his nakrekal assembly constituency.
MLA K Rajagopal Reddy said his brother had already served the people of Nalgonda district four times as MLA. He alleged that KCR was trying to muzzle the voice of the Opposition political parties by encouraging defections from his party. He urged the people to send his brother to Parliament to voice their problems in Parliament. He said the entire Telangana state was looking towards Nakrekal Assembly constituency to find out as to how much majority it would give to the Congress party. He told the people that his brother would turn the constituency into a green hub.