Telangana BJP floor leader in the Assembly G Kishan Reddy today alleged that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao wanted to squander people’s money. When the State was facing financial crunch, what was the need to construct a new secretariat, he asked.
Talking to media persons men at the party State office here on Monday, Kishan Reddy accused K Chandrasekhar Rao of squandering people’s money with “vaastu” obsession. Instead of constructing a new Assembly building and Secretariat, he could spend the money for repairing damaged roads to avoid hardship to the people, he opined.
On one side the State government was trying to spend additional huge amounts, on the other the government was trying to borrow loans, the BJP leader alleged. He also alleged that the TRS government has diverted Rs 2,000 crore released by the Centre for village developments to other projects. (NSS)