New Delhi, November 03: Director Dibakar Bannerjee who created a niche with his Delhi-based satires like Khosla Ka Ghosla and Oye Lucky Lucky Oye is finally cutting the umbilical cord with his next film, a political thriller based in an imaginary city.
The filmmaker who credits his experiences while growing up in the city for the ‘realism’ in his films, said that he has tried to push himself out of his comfort zone for the upcoming project. “My next film is a political thriller and it is not set in Delhi. But then again the fact that my previous films were based here is because of the accident of my birth in Delhi. I grew up here and my characters are therefore based on the people here,” said Bannerjee.
The two-film-old director has reportedly roped in Imran Khan and Abhay Deol to play the protagonists in the film which has already started courting controversy with it’s title Love Sex Aur Dhoka.
“What I like about Abhay is that he is a natural actor, which in itself is a rare oddity in Bollywood. And moreover he understands the kind of cinema we are making and he supports those choices,” said Bannerjee.