New Delhi: The Supreme Court here on Friday got five new judges taking its total strength to 28. Justice S. Abdul Nazeer who was the senior judge of Karnataka High Court was also elevated as the judge of Supreme Court.
With the swearing in of Justice Sanjay Kishnan Kaul, Justice Naveen Sinha, Justice Mohan M. Shantanagouder, Justice Dipak Gupta and Justice S. Abdul Nazeer, the apex court now falls short only by three judges against its sanctioned strength of 31.
At the time of their elevation as judges of the apex court, Justice Kaul was the Chief Justice of Madras High Court; Justice Sinha was the Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court; Justice Shantanagouder was the Chief Justice of Kerala High Court; Justice Gupta was the Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh High Court and Justice Nazeer was a judge in the Karnataka High Court.