YSR Congress Party president Y S Jaganmohan Reddy on Wednesday launched his “Bharosa Yatra” from Dharmavaram in Anantapur district. He visited the family of weaver Ramesh, who committed suicide after over-burdened by debts recently. His wife Ramadevi also committed suicide within 10 days after husband’s death. The couple is survived by two children.
The YSRCP chief has undertaken the Yatra to console the families of farmers and handloom weavers, who lost their lives by the burden of crop loans. A total of 141 farmers, sharecroppers, agricultural laborers and handloom weavers had committed suicides in the State last year. Jagan has started the fourth phase of ‘Ryhtu Bharosa Yatra’ to instill confidence in farmers and their families.
After reaching Dharmavaram from Chennai by air from Bengaluru, Jagan was welcomed by his party’s local leaders. He launched the Yatra from Dharmavaram Assembly constituency. In this phase, Jaganmohan Reddy, who earlier visited 42 families in Ananthapur district in three phases, will continue the Yatra for a week in Dharmavaram and Rapthadu constituencies, it is learnt. (NSS)