International consensus against settlement building: Abbas

Ramallah, February 28: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday said there is an international consensus against construction of settlement, when 14 countries in the Security Council voted against it.

Abbas told reporters as he met with Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt in Ramallah that the 14 countries representing the international community in the Security Council condemned settlements and called for halting it.

“The international stance is totally in harmony with the Palestinian stance which calls for halting all kinds of settlement to get back to the negotiations, end the occupation and establish the Palestinian state,” said Abbas.

More than a week ago, the United States vetoed a draft resolution presented by the Palestinians and was backed by the Arab states, that called for condemning settlement and completely halting it.

Abbas and Bildt discussed the latest developments of the peace process in the Middle East and the obstacles it is facing due to the stances of the Israeli government which rejects halting settlement, according to media.

Bildt reiterated European Union’s position concerning the peace process and the necessity of halting Jewish settlement in the Palestinian territories.

Blidt had earlier met with Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah. According to Wafa, the two men asserted that the internal Palestinian split must end to prepare for establishing the independent Palestinian state.
