Shimla:Himachl Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today directed the concerned officials to install hand-pumps in all the Gujjar habitations of the state as per demand, within the next two months.
Presiding over the 20th meeting of Gujjar Kalyan Board here today, the chief minister said that the government was making concerted efforts for permanent settlement by identifying suitable land and providing education facilities to the Gujjar community, he said.
He said that to provide relief to Gujjar families who lost their land or houses due to landslides or floods, government would provide three biswas and two biswas land to the affected families as per policy of the state government.
“Install hand-pumps in all the Gujjar habitations of the state as per the demand, within next two months,” Singh told the concerned officials.
Stressing that every Gujjar child should be given basic education, the chief minister exhorted the Gujjar community to provide better education to their children including vocational education for opening new avenues of employment.
He also directed the animal husbandry department to equip and train the community with modern techniques for improving the livestock breed for increasing milk production.