New Delhi : Bollywood actor Aamir Khan on Thursday said it was an honour for him to be the brand ambassador for the Incredible India campaign for the past 10 years and added that he would always be there for the service of the nation.
“It has been an honour and a pleasure for me to be the brand ambassador for the Incredible India campaign for the past 10 years. I was happy to be of service to my country and will always be available for it,” Khan said in a statement.
“I would like to clarify that all public service films I have done till date have all been free of any cost to me. It is always an honour for me to be of service of my country and this is how it will always be,” he added.
Commenting on the government’s decision of removing him as the brand ambassador, Khan said “It is the prerogative of the government to decide whether they need a brand ambassador for any campaign, and if so, who that ambassador should be.”
“I respect the decision of the government to discontinue with my services. I am sure they will take all appropriate steps to do what is best for the country,” he added.
Khan further said “Whether I am brand ambassador or not, India will remain Incredible, and that’s the way it should be.”
The Bollywood star’s comment came a day after a controversy erupted after a section of the media reported that the Central Government had removed him as the brand ambassador of the Incredible India campaign under the Tourism Ministry.
Minister of State for Tourism Mahesh Sharma, however, clarifying his ministry’s position on the issue yesterday said that it was purely a contractual matter with advertising agency McCann Worldgroup.
“Our agreement was with a media agency namely McCann. That was for a particular work. That work they have delivered to us. They have completed that project. Hence, that contract is now over,” he said. (ANI)