Former Judge, Supreme Court of India Markandey Katju said that Aman ki Asha is living in a fool’s paradise and deceiving people. The campaign launched jointly by two large media houses, the Jang Group of Pakistan and the Times of India Group of India aims at improving relations between India and Pakistan, and help secure peace in the region. It runs a portal Former judge twitted, ‘Aman ki Asha is living in a fool’s paradise and deceiving people.’
' Aman ki Asha is living in a fools paradise and deceiving people ' @AmanKiAsha @Razarumi @najamsethi @tabinda_m @HamidMirPAK @iamthedrifter @fawadchaudhry @Tariq_Bashir @ShireenMazari @sherryrehman @thenews_intl @dawn_com @The_Nation
— Markandey Katju (@mkatju) January 6, 2019
In his article written for Pakistani Stories, Katju writes, “While ostensibly its (Aman ki Asha) aim seems laudable, and indeed it has done some good work by promoting some people to people contact between Indians and Pakistanis, which helps to some extent in dispelling the notion that people living on the other side of the border are devils, nevertheless, in my opinion, its basic approach is flawed, and in fact it serves to deceive people.”
He said “India and Pakistan (and Bangladesh) are really one country, sharing the same culture, and were one since Mughal times. Partition in 1947 was a historical British swindle, on the basis of the bogus two nation theory ( that Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations ), which was the culmination of the nefarious British divide and rule policy of making Hindus and Muslims fight each other.” He added, “Pakistan is a fake, artificial country.”
Stressing the need to reunite India and Pakistan, Katju asserted, “It is really part of India, only temporarily separated, but is bound to be reunited with it, like West and East Germany or North and South Vietnam (though that will take time because those who divided us will not let us easily reunite.)