Noted journalist Ravish Kumar has asked PM Modi on social media for an interview with him too, after the PM was interviewd by Sudhir Chaudhary, editor-in-chief of Zee News (Hindi) channel.
There is a tremendous debate going over PM’s interview as he is infamous for “keeping silent over major issues” in front of the journalists on several occasions.
While some considered Modi’s interview as a response negating the allegations against him, on the other hand, some are saying that he was purposefully not asked difficult questions by Chaudhary.
Ravish Kumar wrote on Facebook asking the PM for an interview with him too, “There is also a camera, mic, a chance and off course Pokoda (snacks), I’m waiting,” Ravish posted on his RavishKaPage.
Ravish had attacked the government on Friday through his Facebook post saying the employment figures that the Centre gave is a lie and fraud. Ravish Kumar said that those who were claiming to generate five to seven crore jobs are celebrating six lakh jobs. This claim of the government is false and the spineless media reported it, Ravish said.