Mumbai: Actress, model and dancer Nora Fatehi, who will be seen as a special guest along with singer Guru Randhawa on ‘India’s Best Dancer 2’, recalled performing as a contestant on a reality show.
She also praised contestant Saumya for her belly dancing skills and gifts her a coin-belt.
Nora Fatehi says: “Saumya, you are a true artiste and you have taken belly dancing to another level. Looking at you, I feel so overwhelmed because I am reminded of my days of being a contestant on a reality show.”
Nora Fatehi and Guru Randhawa are coming on the dance reality show to promote their latest song ‘Dance Meri Rani’. During the show, contestants Saumya and Vartika perform a unique dance style, Kalbelia, on the song ‘Reshami Roomal’. Kalbelia is a tribal dance form from the Thar desert in Rajasthan.
Nora adds appreciating Saumya: “I am so proud of you for representing belly dance the way you do. I think you should win ‘India’s Best Dancer’ because even though belly dance has existed for years, it hasn’t gotten the respect and international recognition it deserves. You winning this show will do that.”