Hyderabad: Investigation carried by SIT over drug rackets in Hyderabad city. Its all about shocking that large number of students were involved in the drug bust case that made headlines this year. The 10 well known school’s students in the city. Most of the schools rejected the allegations and the excise department officials declined to give the student’s details who alleged to be involved because they said it was illegal to reveal details. Only the parents of the child and appointed counsellors were notified.
According to article published in DC, Raising to the communication with drug dealers made over mobile phones, Anitha Suresh, a teacher said, “The smartphone rule became stricter after the drug bust. Although phones were not allowed in class, they could be deposited at the security guard’s office on entering the school and be collected after school hours. However, we informed all parents to not allow smart phones and make it a strict rule for the upcoming academic year.”
“We have not stopped holding periodic counselling sessions but we will take fresh measures in 2018 with the new batch. It is not a problem that can be solved overnight but we will curb the menace by holding more assemblies from next year and also having regular programmes about drug abuse. We will also ensure that students share their opinions about drug abuse,” P. Ushasri, the principal of Johnson Grammar School, added.
Also Read : Drug racket busted in Hyderabad, 179 kg party drugs seized
Security measures in schools will be tightened in 2018. Other than the existing CCTV cameras, schools will also conduct thorough checks of new staff and many schools have decided to use breathalysers for school bus drivers and other outside staff.
Vendors selling ice cream and other eatables outside schools will also be checked and will have to notify the school beforehand. Parents across the state are troubled by the drug taking case and other student issues. “The drug bust should not be forgotten,” says Seema Agarwal, vice-president of HSPA.