Hyderabad: In a gruesome incident, an eight-year-old boy in the old city area here was kidnapped and murdered by his uncle on Friday due to jealousy, police said.
The body of Abbas Hussain Razvi was recovered from Nagabowli graveyard under the limits of Rein Bazar police station. His head was crushed with a boulder.
Police have arrested his paternal uncle Mir Jawwad, who allegedly picked up the boy from historic ‘Bibi Ka Alawa’ around 3 a.m. by luring with him an offer of fruit juice, took him to an isolated place and killed him brutally.
As the boy did not return home, his family lodged a police complaint. Police picked up Jawwad on suspicion and he confessed to the crime.
Deputy Commissioner of Police V. Satyanarayana said Jawwad killed the boy out of jealousy as his grandfather Qamar Hussain Razvi is the ‘alambardar’ or bearer of ‘Bibi ka alam’, an insignia of the martyrs of Karbala.
The boy along with his grandfather was at ‘Bibi ka Alawa’ to make preparations for installation of ‘alam’ on the first day of Muharram on Friday.
Jawwad bore a grudge against his brother-in-law Qamar as his son Shabbir Hussain Razvi and later grandson will succeed him as ‘alambardar’ and custodian of the ‘alawa’. The accused’s son had died after falling in a sump at Qamar’s house in 2008 and he used to blame negligence by Qamar’s family for his death.
The DCP said police were probing the crime from all angles as Jawwad also had some property dispute with Qamar
Police were investigating if any other person was involved in the murder as the accused had allegedly made some phone calls to a criminal after the murder.
The murder on the first day of Muharram shocked Qamar’s family, which was making preparations to observe ‘Youm-e-Ashura’ or 10th day of the first month of Islamic calendar.
With inputs from IANS