Hyderabad: On Tuesday evening, a first year B.Tech student found dead in a river of Sangareddy district.
According to the details of the report, the victim, P Goutham (18) is a resident of ITW signode colony and was pursuing B.Tech at MLR engineering college.
On Monday he went out with his friends and found dead next day in a river.
According to the police, Goutham had given Rs 8000 to one of his friend Pavan to buy a mobile phone for him. But he spent the money and reported the same to Goutham. Later, Goutham quarreled over it with Pavan.
On Monday, when the victim went out with his friends Pavan and Khasim throttled Goutham to death and threw his body in the river.
Police registered a case based on the Goutham’s parents complaint and arrested the duo.