New Delhi, Sept.16 : Rashtriya Janata Dal(RJD) leader Manoj Jha on Wednesday said that he and other ‘Mahagathbandhan’ leaders met members of the Election Commission here today to demand a ban on the broadcast of Prime Minister’s ‘Mann Ki Baat” till the Bihar polls are on, in order to make sure that the level-playing field is not disturbed.
“In order to have the roots of democracy uncontaminated, we have urged the Election Commission to make sure that the ‘Mann ki Baat'(radio speech) is not given by the Prime Minister. Regarding the Model Code of Conduct, we have urged the Election Commission to look at the previous judgment in this case and not allow a political party and its tallest leader who is also the face for Bihar campaign, to go ahead with his monthly speech, because that would amount to misappropriation of the exchequer’s money,” Jha told ANI.
“We have just raised an issue with the Election Commission to make sure that the level-playing field is not disturbed. The Model code of Conduct should not be violated either by an ordinary campaigner, or by the Prime Minister,” Jha added.
The Mahagathbandhan’ leaders met the Election Commission today after the latter ruled out a blanket ban on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Mann ki Baat radio programme.(ANI)