Telangana Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao, along with experts, will be leaving for Mumbai on Tuesday to continue talks with the Maharashtra government officials on the construction of a barrage proposed to be built at Tummidihatti and Medigadda. Similarly, Harish Rao team also hold talks with the neighbouring State about signing of a Draft Agreement on the construction of Chanaka Korata barrage.
It may be mentioned here that Harish Rao had already held talks with Maharashtra government officials several times in the past. As part of the continuing parleys, Harish Rao is leading a team to Mumbai on the invitation of his Maharashtra counterpart Girish Mahajan. Principal Secretary of Irrigation S K Joshi, three chief engineers Hari Ram, Bhagwanth Rao and Venkateshwarlu will be accompanying Harish Rao. The talks will be held in Girish Mahajan’s chamber from 2 pm on Tuesday.
In tomorrow’s meeting, both sides discuss on three main issues like barrage construction across Tummidihatti of Pranahitha river. Secondly, they would continue talks on Medigadda barrage proposed to be built across the Godavari. Earlier, Irrigation ministers of both the States held talks twice in Mumbai as well as in Nagpur. Pranahitha Board meeting was also held at on officials’ level. Later, the Irrigation officials of both the States had inspected the sites of Tummidihatti and Medigadda barrages through an aerial survey. In the current phase of talks, key decisions might be taken by the two governments.
Harish Rao team will also hold talks with Maharashtrians on the construction of Chanaka Korata barrage at Pen Ganga dam. A decision had already been taken on this barrage during the talks held on November 24 last year and a written agreement is to be inked. (NSS)