Hyderabad: Since its sudden mysterious disappearance in 1988 after being placed along with a replica of the original gold trophy, the Moin-ud-Daula Gold Cup valued at Rs.2.77 lakh back then could not be traced in so many years by the Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA).
Recently at a pre-tournament media conference, Apex Council president G Vivekanand and secretary T Shaesh Narayan introduced the grand children of Nawab Moin-ud-Dowla Bahadur.
The grandson Fakiruddin and granddaughter Nikath both in the conference requested the authorities in to restore the original Cup which went missing in 1988.
The Cup went missing in 1988 after it was presented to the winners of the blue riband tournament. The original cup and its replica both stood next to each other until 1988 but suddenly went missing after that.
Since then, the winners of the tournament are presented with the replica of the original cup.
Speaking of which, Fakiruddin said the family is happy that the Hyderabad Cricket Association continues conducting such tournaments at large scale. “However, we would request the authorities to restore the Gold Cup”.
Granddaughter Nikath too requested the authorities to restore the original cup and the glory old glory of the blue riband tournament.
Speaking about it the president Vivekananda said the Association is trying to restore the same old glory of the Moin-ud-Dowla Cup. “We will pursue the matter with the police on the whereabouts of the original cup before discussing the matter in the Apex Council meeting. Anyway, we always give the replica cup to the winners.’’
Secretary T Shesh Narayan said the sudden disappearance left no traces of the original cup and that the Police is yet to give a report on the disappearance of the original cup.