Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has announced a mammoth and unprecedented gift for women in Telangana State. On the occasion of #Bathukamma festival, all the poor women above the age of 18 years will get sarees as gift irrespective of their caste, community or religion. He said that the sarees would be distributed through ration shops to a staggering 1,04,57,610 women on Sept 18, 19 and 20. He said the sarees required for the distribution are purchased from the handloom and power loom sectors to support the weavers and workers. The CM gave a call to MPs, Ministers, MLAs, MLCs and other public representatives to make the saree distribution programme a big success. The CM has asked the District Collectors to monitor and supervise the programme. The Chief Minister has reviewed the saree distribution programme on the occasion of Bathukamma festival, here at Pragathi Bhavan on Friday. The CM has examined the quality of sarees to be distributed and expressed satisfaction over the quality. He spoke to the officers concerned about the distribution programme and finalised the schedule. Civil Supplies Corporation Chairman Sri Peddi Sudershan Reddy, MD Sri CV. Anand, Chief Secretary Sri SP. Singh, Handlooms and textiles Director Ms. Shailaja Ramaiyer, Joint Director Sri V. Purnachandra Rao, GM Sri P. Yadagiri, CMO officials Sri S. Narsing Rao, Ms. Shanthi Kumari, Ms. Smitha Sabharwal, Sri Rajasekhara Reddy, Sri Bhoopal Reddy and others participated. (Photo: Zabi)