Hyderabad: The GHMC issued 8,704 building permissions during 2016-2017 as against 6,844 during the preceding year. It collected an amount of Rs 526.64 crore towards Building Permit Fee, Development Charges, Betterment Charges and additional Rs 30 crore towards proportionate layout charges as against Rs 515.23 crores during the preceding year. Besides, an amount of Rs 196.27 crore was collected from Layout Regularization (LR) applicants during 2016-2017.
As part of Initiatives towards Ease of Doing Business during last financial year, the GHMC introduced Development Permission Management System (DPMS) for issue of online building permissions from June 2, last year. Initially it was rolled out to Residential Building Applications and later extended to commercial and multi-storied Building Applications from February 27 this year.
The entire process of applications, including process, payment of fee, release of building permit order and plans are completely online and SMS alerts are sent to citizens with regard to status of the application avoiding personal contact with the officials. Compared to other cities like Pune, who have adopted Hybrid System of Manual and Online System, the GHMC has adopted 100% online system from receipt of application to release of digitally signed plans.
Extensive training on Auto DCR Software to the Architects/Engineers before introduction of Development Permission Management System (DPMS) resulted in quick adoption of new system resulting in smooth transformation from manual system to online system. The GHMC appreciated the efforts of Architects/Engineers for making the Online Building Plan Approval System a success. The average time taken for adoption of online system in other cities was a couple of years, whereas the GHMC’s online system does the job in less than three months.
During the financial year 2016-2017, out of 8074 permissions issued, 6158 permissions are issued through DPMS (Online Approval System) and thus shows the ready acceptance of the new system by citizens.
The average time taken for disposal of applications is 22 to 27 days as compared to 30 to 40 days earlier. The GHMC has approved following major projects during financial year 2016-2017, wherein 23 million square feet of built up area is being developed. They are: Major Residential Projects 26; Multi-Storied Commercial Buildings 21; Multi Storied Buildings for IT Office Space five and Mall-cum-Multiplex three. (NSS)
GHMC Online system clears 8,704 building permissions this year quickly