Gangavaram Port today pledged its support to the Swatch Bharat campaign by contributing Rs. 15 lakhs for the maintenance of Sulabh Complexes at Gangavaram Village.
Palla Srinivas, MLA, Gajuwaka Assembly Constituency has been instrumental in helping Gangavaram Port Management promote this cause. The initiative which is a part of Gangavaram Corporate Social Responsibility program is aimed at developing a collectively behaviour in making the country clean and develop a hygienic sanitation network in Vizag city.
According to Gangavaram Port Management, “Proper public sanitation is a potential tool for social change and is integral for improving people’s lives and developing a clean society. Open defecation is a concern in India and we are supporting the Swatch Bharat campaign to solve this problem. It’s our endevour to create a sterile society and facilitate proper sanitation for all.” (INN)