MUMBAI: The fuel prices continued its northward march and set fresh highs on Tuesday morning, with the price of Petrol in New Delhi is Rs. 80.87, in Kolkata for Rs. 83.75, in Mumbai for Rs. 88.26, and in Chennai for Rs. 84.07, according to the largest fuel retailer, Indian Oil Corporation (IOC).
Both the petrol and diesel prices saw hike of 14 paise per litre in Delhi. Meanwhile, in Mumbai, petrol and diesel have touched a new high of Rs 88.26 and Rs 77.47 per litre respectively.
The Congress party along with other Opposition parties called a nationwide strike across the country on Monday to protest against the rising prices of petrol and diesel and the falling value of the rupee against the US dollar.
As many as 21 opposition parties, both regional and national, extended their support to the countrywide strike.