New Delhi: A four-year-old girl was brutally gang raped by two men and her entire body slashed with a knife on Friday evening in the vicinity of her her home in Keshav Puram Colony of Northwest Delhi.
Her privates were torn apart. The doctors performed a three-hour Colostomy surgery on her.
The girl who is struggling life may survive for a few months with stool bag.
Other girls of the locality gave a statement that two men gave her toffees and biscuits and one of them picked her up in his arms and went away.
After two hours, a woman brought her back soaked in blood. It is understood that the girl was taken to the forest near the railway track, brutally raped and dumped.
The girl was not in a position to speak as she was throttled. The doctors have assured that after the treatment she will be able to get back her voice.
Medical Superintendent of Safdarjung Hospital, Dr Akai told that the girl had wound marks on face and abdomen, her vagina and rectum were seriously injured.
A criminal case has been registered by Delhi Police under POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Acts and the investigations are in progress.