The sleuths of Commissioner’s Task Force, West Zone team, Hyderabad in a joint operation with Shahinayathgunj Police, apprehended five accused persons at Jummerath Bazar, who were indulged in possession of “Ganja” a Narcotic substance. Police seized 66 KGs of Ganja, five Cell Phones, 400 Ganja Packing covers and Rs.7000/- from their possession.
The Accused are: Manoj Lal Mallik @ Manoj Singh Businessman, R/o R Jummerath Bazar; K.Ram Chander, Occ: Working in cloth shop at Begum Bazar, R/o Shivlal Nagar, Mangalhat; V.Konda Babu, Occ: Agriculture, R/o Iskagaruvu(V), Paderu(M), Vishakapatnam Dist, A.P.; S.Tirupathi Rao, Occ: Agriculture Labour, R/o Nitta mamidi(V), G.Madugula(M), Vishakapatnam Dist, A.P.; Mudili Bangaraiah, Occ: Agriculture, R/o Iskagaruvu(V), Paderu(M), Vishakapatnam Dist, A.P..(NSS)